Monday, October 09, 2006
im like darn relieved man.. but then arh.. my last presentation is on the LAST day of school during e LAST lesson.. yah.. tell me abt it! cnt even end e sem in a stylish way.. krap!
nihoots.. my class bf (now dnt be mistaken rite.. pak John is my very very very good fren).. i just love to call him that affectionately.. heheh.. oh ya.. back to story.. after A&E lect.. we were supposed to rehearse for our presentation later on.. he looked at me with this sickly, pale-ish looking face..managed to say "food poisoning" b4 swaying to e benches.. he was SERIOUSLY swaying.. takot saaaak! & e bloody irony was.. we were abt to present abt managing vomit.. ha ha..
ok.. actually not so funny.. he started vomiting alot.. & i dunnoe why he had to be so bloody stubborn & REFUSED to go hm.. said that he cn make it lah.. nuthin lah.. ok lah.. GAAAWD! MALE EGO!! mau tunjuk macho keper cik abg.. riiite.. so while he was presenting his part.. his eyes were already rolling up, he was swaying & we had to force him to sit down.. then he vomited agn.. gee.. tu lah. act strong lagi lah konon..
but then he called me to say he was ok.. phew!! wld hate to miss my male alter ego.. get well soon dude!! =)
hokay. had e mad girls buka session at sakura just now.. well actually not just e 5 of us.. we were joined by bfs & frens.. but it was gerek nonetheless.. & it definitely wnt be fun if i wasnt made fun of riiiite azi? & now mr f has joined e club.. e "LET'S MAKE HAYA'S LIFE MISERABLE" club.. thnx lah u guys. really.. u rock. *rolls eyes*
oh.. went to hmv to check out roswell dvd.. & its a whopping 96 bucks PER season caaaan! ok.. ebay here i come.. & my stomach was having this stupid cramp all of a sudden.. it ddnt help that sakura only let people in at 6.55pm! like wth lah.. u scared we eat 1st before azan or something? dah lah perut buat hal.. tak bleh duduk.. & by e time we got seated, dah buka pon! nasib baik puasa.. kene sabar sikit!
after makan session.. camwhore lah beb.. ape lagi..
i love this woman to pieces... hee...
ok.. let's kill haya alright.. duuuuuuuuuh!!
mad 5/ fabulous 5.. watever we call ourselves... love these biatches to bits...=)
so after sakura.. kiter smue jln gi esplanade.. mau chill-lex lah gitu.. bought beverages from 7/11 & we headed to e roof... there we went very camera crazy.. wat wif fana's sudden outburst of "sluar aku nk kat jatoh" & "burst!".. ok beb.. i think u managed to terperanjatkan kiter smuer.. haha..
azi's hp has this cool camera function.. go check out her blog for e pics lah eh.. had loads of fun & laughter posing & shytes..
after azi, nisa-nyp & nizam left.. me & fana pun belah lah.. left e lomatic couples to do watever.. & while waiting for e train.. i found out my hp can do e same thing as azi's hp camera!! crap! shld haf figured it out sooner man... it can take up to 15 shots lah.. nvm.. next time.. hehe..
this time she was abit more expressive lah.. 2nd take..
e train was taking too damn long to arrive.. so we did a 3rd take.. hehe.. so sue us for being camwhores...
*tomorrow.. i shall start on my revision.. its time man.. seriously....
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 11:49 pm
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