Saturday, January 31, 2009


it was full of treats, stories, jokes, wise thoughts, reminiscing good ol' times and people i'll definitely think about all the time.
without giving a hoot to the damn world, one of the most fulfilling 3 days off i've had in awhile.

i'm collecting the tears from now. chet! i AM already preparing my army of tissue boxes so fret not.

i feel like singing, singing at the top of my lungs..

in 2 weeks, i'm smelling my own brand of freedom =))
oh come to mama babies!!!

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 1:04 am


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

there's still some things left unconfirmed, and it's giving me the jitters... you can call it, pre-departure jitters if you'd like. i don't really like this feeling of not knowing, uncertainties.. (well, who does??) i have every mind to march up to them big people asking "hey! so what's happening eh?" but i feel like i have no balls can?!

gawd.. failure! -_-

anihoos, lighter note ahead. i am partially prepared.... the state my room is in now is incomprehensible *shakes head* everything's literally EVERYWHERE!! mum is really helping me alot. in more ways than one actually, though she really need not to, but then again, i'm glad she is.. what would i ever do without her?? ok stop. i know i'll cry my balls out when the day comes. jeez. SO NOT HELPING!!

and while i make those necessary last minute changes, all i've been doing lately is just enjoying my world and it's surroundings. past few days, i've met some pretty interesting people.. characters of my world i like to call them.. i've been known to stop and stare (hahah!)

a couple more days of work. can't believe i'm saying this but i'll really miss that hectic environment.. eh! who am i kidding?!?! i am SO smelling that freedom already. HAAAH!!

i am excited i can pee my pants every-damn-day y'all!!!
(so explains the extensive use of exclamation points!!!!!!!)

now.. where did i put that bra i love so much???????

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 10:06 pm


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Monday, January 19, 2009

these two.....

..practically IGNORED me for a whole week, made me an idiot on my birthday looking out for their smses on my phone and checking out FB and msn constantly for any form of communication. there i was thinking to myself, "so much for being BFFs -_-"

but little did i know... they had a surprise up their sleeves.. (hehehehehhe)

they're getting REALLLY good at this surprise thing.. haha.. after a crappy day at work, i could not be ANY happier to see their faces in front of the ward. fyi, they got superb satisfaction embarrassing me in public, seriously!

i had a blast that day.. what with the constant surprises, annoyingly embarrassing moments, wind blowing in our hair, and laughing our big butts off at almost everything.. thank you loves soooo soooo much. this makes it tougher for me to go, you know????

i'm loving being 22... its a nice number. i'm wishing for simple, fun days ahead of me. i have a feeling.. i'm gonna be alright =))

p.s: who would have thought, all my girlfriends had the same mind to get me the same things.. i'm lovin' it!

p.p.s: well, once azi mcNurse emails me the photos, i'll have much more to say.. madgirls, we are to meet up ASAP!!!!

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 4:27 pm


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Thursday, January 15, 2009

hoi.. so HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY to myself!!!

i'm just glad today passed by with much happiness and laughters around.
thanks to all for ur fantastic beyond fantastic wishes. =))

p.s: i'm reminded time AND again by my parents to be more lady-like now. how much more lady-like maaaaaaaa?????

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 11:00 pm


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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

im awake at 2.43 in the morning.. watching McHunk kiss the living daylights out of cardio-god *siiigh*.

i'm digging my new McBadAss =)

p.s: it must seem very KC of me to start packing now, yes?? but hell, i dont care. 4 freaking bags is no easy feat.. so where's my McSexy when i need his help??

p.p.s: tomorrow's my birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! heeeeeeeeee!!!

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 2:43 am


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Sunday, January 11, 2009

now.. should I, or should I not???

questions, questions.. quintessential questions. i wonder, if that person knows that he might just be, the one i've been looking for. but i guess, now's not the time to ponder such unnecessary thoughts. what with me about to fly off to someplace foreign and all..

and why should i even be thinking about this when i'll have plenty of hot doods to ogle at?? terrible nurul, terrible!

ok, enough!

what I really wanted to say was.. what a week at work i had.. of ALL the temptations to just walk out on patients and their forever irri-noying relatives, ive never wanted it so much. ive had it up till HERE! but somehow, that perserverence paid off. i stayed, i dealt with the same shit. im super strong!!

ok, enough!

aaaaaahhh... i feel MUCH better ranting nonsensical stuff. i'm actually thinking of a new place to eat. so where to now?? so brain-gym buddy, u better start putting on ur thinking cap and not disappoint me =))

4 more days till im a year older. gawd! can you even believe it????????

i need some lovin' y'all!!!

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 11:35 pm


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Saturday, January 10, 2009


i am so pissed i can blow a helicopter!
for the love of god, ive had enough of shit for 3 weeks. like seriously.

i need whose line and FRIENDS. yes i do!!!

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 12:27 am


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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

boy am i tired as heck.. but better late than never, yes??

my NYE was with godsis chillexing at Tom n Toms. (ive never been a believer of NYE celebrations outside and furthermore, i like to spend midnight at home being the first to wish mummy a happy birthday every year. ok, well maybe except for that one year where she decided to show off her menopausal prowess to an ALL-TIME HIGH! i shall NOT dwell on that. seriously)

she, who will forever have that money-making face whenever shes in front of blackberry.. oblivious to the world, she.

i can practically taste the damn pretzels in my mouth now. gee..

i figured that there was no one else i wanted to spend the last day of 2008 with. that gunung ledang trip back in '06 really made my day thinking about it now =)

and what better way to spend New Year itself in batam enjoying 2 hours of bodyscrub/massage and in the company of my families...

pop quiz hot shot: 2 families on a ONE DAY TOUR. with only one camera and 4 very photogenic kids, what was the result of their camhoring abilities?

ans: 158 photos. (sudah melampau bin ajaib!)

(p.s: small wish frm ur beloved daughter, go easy on the moodswings and forgive her for all her wrongdoings. heh)

while one of charlie's angels decides to taubat and turn all muslimah, the other 2 feels safe with the power of their shades. amin =D

and this ladies and gentleman, is our classic expression to each other when either one says something very very not clever.

my father who thinks he's 15 and not 55.. seriously, what's with the tongue-ttitude daddy oi?? your daughter was looking her best if she says so herself can?? failure.

we were all almost knocked out by the end of the day. but chasing after ferries to and fro was seriously the highlight of the day. trust me, no one wanted to kill herself more than i do that day. gawd! we were chasing ferries!!!

pak sarpam chop paspor: "nurul....???"
me: "ya pak??" *gasping for air after running frm the minivan to the kastam*
pak sarpam chop paspor: "masih skola??"
me: "nggak pak!!" *scared questionable expression on face*
pak sarpam chop paspor: "ok, bye" (after chopping my passport and staring at my face for a good 10 second. ok creepy)

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 1:28 am


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