Tuesday, December 26, 2006
wow.. another non-stop rainy day stint..
it's sooo not helping that my nursing shoes are torn. & whenever i walk past a puddle. here comes the "slishy-sloshy" sound from the feet! disgusting!! ok.. im getting some black running shoes by next attachment..
now.. a PUMA sounds delightfully comfortable.. haha.. shall bother e mother abt this then..
anyhoooots.. reached hm just in time to catch Gol & Gincu the series on suria. i loved the movie itself. so i'd love to see what the series will bring. i still rmbr e mad ppl watching it together during raya outing last year.. then me & yat started doing that 'S-NAP' action.. what wonderful memories that was.. except.. u know what lah arh..
oh OMG! e mother's B-day is coming laaar.. die man. im always ALWAYS at a lost on what to get her. i know its e thought that counts. but still! she has expectations lah that woman. gee... now i have to crack my brains agn. oh crap. i wonder if another tudung wld satisfy her.. (then i cn tompang pakai too! haha.. i actually do that.. shhh!)
let's backtrack sikit to the christmas holz..
christmas eve was spent with the loved ones. e rain busted our idea of bbq-ing downstairs.. so thank god for e "tempat bakar satay" daddy still kept from our previous stall.. so we set up a table outside e hse & started e bbq there.. while the ladies inside started their karaoke session. talking abt karaoke.. i swore e ppl across town cld have heard yelling noises coming from us.. gee... nak cakap tone deaf, tak baik kan.. let's just say.. they're a little.. "tuneless"..
me & abg nizam stuck to bbq duties. i just had to escape from doing karaoke-cd-changing.. buay tahan liaoz!
ah yes.. happy bbq eaters.. =)
as for christmas day itself.. headed to town wif the godsis & her policeman.. did not find wat i was looking for but definitely a good substitute. had a good late lunch with them.. some catching up, heaps of laughter (i still cnt get over KE-TAI-AK ok! gosh!)..
3 days to go till my looooong weekend..
p.s: my timetable's out. farkwangbugshittingarseheadedhole! i start at 8AM all over agn.. i swear i thought those days are SO over man. (thank god its only for 3 days) but i shant complain. its only for another 7 weeks. & im DONE. for real... wooohooo!!
favourite family moment ;)
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 11:35 pm
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