Sunday, February 11, 2007
right at this very moment, e mother & brother are at each other's throats.. e mother has disapproved of the brother's choice of poly courses. one way to look at it, its his future. so he should have the right to choose wat he wants. but the mother means well.. she dsnt want him doing wat he'll regret in future.
even for me.. i ddnt choose nursing. my parents chose it for me. & i ended up liking it very much. so, ive found my calling.
as for the brother, he's very fickle-minded.. (dah mcm pompan pulak.. ish!) i just hope he knows wat he's doing. 1st he told us he wants course A.. wah, e parents are of course bloody happy lah. den he went on to write in e JAE exercise form he wants course B.. see.. fickle-minded. PLUS stubborn nk mampos. suker hati kau lah nak..
now, i just want to concentrate on my upcoming exams & PRCP @ THE ATTACHMENT FROM HELL...
budden again.. i cnt peel my eyes off e damn tv. gawd! time management beb.. time management!!
ok.. for now, im still happy-go-lucky.. worry only if its necessary lah eh.. (if evryone has this mentality, DIE LAH! tsk tsk...)
anihoos.. went to ECP with e family. mak's family came too.. just to lepak-lepak.. singapore is too small darling. where else cn we go to hang out & just let loose?? if its us youngsters, we'll think of something more exciting. but its e makciks & pakciks i'm worried about. they dnt wanna explore anything strenous. so.. just sitting around, bersembang & gossiping is ZE way to go..
gawd! i envy them being so young & naive. not a care in e world. see, even sophia stripped to her underwear! sheesh (padahal dua-dua luper nk bawak baju.. ish ish)
kak lina is due in 3 weeks. my goodness, she looks super bloated cn. & she has water retentions already.. & i so cnt wait for e twins to be born!!!bapak's back was like a dunlopillo k.. damn syiok. till he purposely stood up all of a sudden. terkejot badak sak!
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 9:37 pm
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