Saturday, October 13, 2007
as my arab patient calls it, Eid Mubarak _____ (& whatever he told me in his own language which i cldnt catch a single shit what he was saying, but yeah, i understood. hah!)
to all, maaf zahir dan batin. sekiranya I telah menyinggung perasaan you ke, terkasar bahasa ke, ter-OVER ke.. I susun sepuluh jari lah eh. I ni cuma manusia biasa.. jadi normal lah buat silap. so I mohon maaf banyak2 lah. sayang you all!! HAHA!!
somehow, the excitement of hari raya is starting to seep in. last minute spring cleaning with the bro blasting loud music seemed to be just the right dose of medicine for me today.
fyi, i had a blardie effed up day.
it just keeps coming.
letting it all out was a relief, but till when?
i seriously hope this shit will end soon. period.
ok, this should be a happy occasion.
& i cant wait to see my cousins!! no matter how irritating they can be.
it's been awhile =))
p.s: budak2.. nak duit raya.. datang rumah. jangan naik lemak eh!! tsk tsk.
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 12:12 am
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