Monday, September 15, 2008
omg like finally, last wed the 5 of us managed to creep in some time for each other. truth be told, it felt like EONS since the fab5 last breathed & lived the same polluted air. its really tough trying to make time for each other (chet! as if we're all freaking married with kids already. shame-shame!) but nonetheless, we always made our time spent together worth it.
so we ate, we chilled udangz and we got crazy FAT.. with me showing my burping prowess (HAHAHAH!) needless to say, we did some major catching up, laughing like there's no tomorrow, being insanely embarrassed by sally's head-banging/crooning/lip sync-ing to hip-hop & R&B music (i seriously protest to my loud burping being more embarrassing than sally's display of the "walking jukebox" thank you very much)
and basically, we ended the day with the chauffeur (or whaattt) driving us home for a mere $50. i love living in style, no?? no Fana Nordin, this is not bangkok's tuk-tuk. just ala-ala hollywood like that.. psst.. dengar2 bapak aku tuai emas gitu =D
ok seriously now.. just enjoy the pictures dammit!
feel free to be entranced by our camwhoreness (IF you can even be bothered) here!
i'll seriously miss ALL of this when i'm there... *sigh*
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 8:12 pm
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