Wednesday, October 01, 2008
HELLO! look at the date! it's already 1st October.. so i shall just get straight to the point..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin kepada kawan-kawanku dan seluruh umat Islam di serata dunia.. Nurul mohon ampun atas segala dosa-dosa, jika telah terkasar bahasa, ter-OVER di merata-rata tempat dan tersinggung perasaan (i think this will be an ongoing process but what the heck lah kan) .. hey! but i'm only human per.. haha..
to tell you the truth, i'm feeling slightly more sentimental this year.. bro & I were driving to IMM for some last minute light-bulb errands & takbir raya was on radio when i asked him..
me: dik, this year kakak mcm extra sedih gitu.. hearing the takbir on radio like this is making me cry.. and i won't get to celebrate raya like this next year..
bro: alah.. it's ok.. got web cam whaaat.. & it's just ONE year kak..
gawd! i'm sucha crybaby lah!
anyways, i told myself that i'm gonna enjoy raya more this year just because.. it's always the time of the year for us to show off new baju kurungs, mingle around with old & newfound relatives, photo-whoring, getting fresh updates of the people we love & havent met in the longest time.. & i swear i'm not gonna get sentimental or start crying shitless in front of my parents tmr when we have to salam-salam in the morning for forgiveness.. hancur make-up gua beb!!
so i dont think i'm gonna sleep just yet.. (probably because i woke up at 1pm this afternoon, HAHA) let me attack my hershey's bar and enjoy my favourite raya song of all times, Sepasang Kurung Biru.. ini classic beb =))
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 12:47 am
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