Friday, October 03, 2008
seriously, i have TONNES of things to do (i.e, like finish my current korean series.. eh damn important lah this one!) but! i shall entertain my dear tempeh bud & do this tag.. gosh it's been a looong time since i did one..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
- studying in Pei Tong Pri.
- stealing library books (haha! those were the days man!)
- hating my brother for always looking me up in class (for all kinds of nonsense u do NOT want to know)
- enjoying the family trip to brisbane (it was ALL free then. basket)
- doing the BIG move to toh guan
5 things on my to-do list today:
- complete that on-line passport renewal thingy
- thinking of ways to bribe the DON to increase my sucky pay
- catch up with my old batch of HOs & company
- go on a date, even if it's just ONE (i swear it's been donkey years since i went all girly & .. you get the picture lah)
- plan my next getaway with the gfs (im going on leave very soon y'all.. WOOHOO!)
5 snacks I enjoy:
- hershey's chocolate & cookies bar
- BIKA chicken crackers
- krepek ubi sambal
- fruit tarts
- bubble tea!
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- pay up the rest of my bond & bring the family to aussie-land to stay
- travel, travel baby.. before settling down's fantastic!
- buy the coolest cars in the world just for the sake of showing off
- get myself a damn mansion in 6th ave.
- invest my moolahs too man..
5 of my bad habits:
- cooping myself up in the room watching sappy romantic comedy reruns & stuff myself with junk food. oh love.
- i wont come out of a cd/dvd shop empty-handed
- i'm FOREVER late for appointments, even if i go out early, i'll still be late, go figure!
- lusting over all the wrong men. madness!
- i can argue till the cows go home & still end up on the losing side
5 places I have lived in:
- kampong Tempeh rules sak fana!
- clementi ave 2
- gotta love Toh Guan Rd baby =)
- ?
- ?
5 jobs I’ve had: (more like 3!)
- helping my mum out at her stalls, then & now
- giving tuition
- staff nurse @ SGH
- ?
- ?
ok kambz.. i'm too lazy to tag others lah. most probably they're as busy as bumblebees so dont freaking bother! haha..
posted by: [nurul]haya @ 11:30 pm
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