Tuesday, December 30, 2008

so it's the final homerun till the new year. excited, scared, nervous, elation, flabbergasted, inapt, shocked, disappontment, frustration, breathtaken, betrayed, reassured.. i felt it all within this year. of course there's more, but this came right from the top of my head.

i have yet so much to achieve, so much to accomplish, so much to do. to say that i wish i could break myself into pieces to satisfy my needs, is an understatement.

as i enter 2009, with much anticipation as you may have guessed.. there were a couple of things which i had wished i could turn back time and correct. but i guess, what's done is done & it's time for me to move on... my resolutions for this year went mildly unfulfilled.

for one, truthfully, i miss my madgirls. i kept questioning in my head.. why are we moving further & further away from each other? is it because we're growing up too fast that our characters have started to clash?? i swear sometimes i feel like i don't even know you guys anymore. boys, men, work. who can i blame? i'll blame it on myself then cause i thought we would still be like we were back in mad school.

so please my loves, do make an effort to meet up. period.

that aside, 2009 should be damn sex-citing!! Gintama's back in SGH (haha) new round of HOs to attack(=D), batam trip on new year with my godfamily, pre-departure briefing, leaving 75, last minute shopping for oz, start packing my shits slowly, final hangouts with everyone i love and AM GOING TO MISS LIKE HELL.. GAWD!!!

see, told you its gonna be sex-citing as heck..

my new year's resolution??

i have 3 in fact.

1) to get my bachelor's and make my family proud (insyaallah)
2) to be the better woman than i am now
3) i think it's about time i make an effort to start dating again, yes?? (now, now.. if only my parents know that ill be living with some male species in my hostel. ahaha *SSSSSHHHHHH*)

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 6:55 pm


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Saturday, December 27, 2008

it's all about numbers.

46 more days to ozzie-landing..
6 hours till the parents' flight land...
5 days off next week (i just LOVE accumulated PH!)
26 hours ago, i bought myself the world's smallest laptop and my fingers are bloody cramping right now trying to figure out the keypad (say hello to typos)
20 odd days more till i turn double two... tua krepot sungguh..
8 novels/story books lay on my bookshelf everyday waiting to be read..
3 hours till my last night is OVER!!'

and i've never been a big fan of maths in the first place... tsk.

a doctor left his story book in my MO's room titled "THIS BOOK WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE".. how catchy, yes?? and somehow, i have this nudging feeling to purchase it (or maaaybe, if it's not claimed by next week..hmm.. heheh)

turtlenecks, turtlenecks, where art thou?????

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 4:54 am


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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

it's Christmas eve & i have to head out to work in less than 2 hours... (but hey, i'm not complaining =D)

we're both parentless for 5 days. so can you smell the freedom???!!!
(gawd! im seriously gonna miss my irritatingly annoying bugger of a brother truckloads)

we ended up watching Twilight for the SECOND TIME oogling, again, over the Cullens.. oui. such redundant things we do to satisfy our burning desires *siiigh* and p.s. kakak, we actually concentrated more on the movie this time ok! i'm so proud!!

one of those days where mummy decided to look-see Marina Barrage and we got a feel of the place. gotta love the windy evenings =) we shall be back for more!!

more random outings..

yesterday was JM's 24th birthday of which we celebrated by eating Korean at downtown east and coffee-chilling at terminal 3 TCC afterward. (mouthwash, we call it) we exchanged Xmas presents and charades is becoming our favourite pastime. how i looooove bullying hunhun. heh.. ok JM, hurry up and send me those darn pictures quick!

oh before i forget, my dear Paman Mekeh finally got married, again =) congrats to my beloved uncle. what's past is history, yes unc? ok, you rock. period.

January is looming and somehow, i get this nudging feeling that it's gonna sweep by bloody fast.


posted by: [nurul]haya @ 3:46 pm


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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 7:21 pm


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Monday, December 15, 2008

pardon the lack of updates.. been reaaaaally busy with work, settling for the get-go, family fun, slumber parties and for the most part, SHOPPING!! (one very evil action which could suck every women's pocket dry)

on an entirely different subject, i'm just very happy that i still have the support of loved ones & a couple of trustworthy friends telling me "it'll be ok.. don't worry.. everything will work out, insyaAllah".. this really gave me the strength to just look forward for the best part of my life which has yet to come.

alright, this will be totally random but i was watching an episode of FRIENDS the other day (which reminded me of ein & kak intan for some crazy reason, and i still miss them loads when in actual fact i just met them in town yesterday. hah) it was the one with chandler & monica's wedding..

i almost teared as monica spoke her vows..

"Chandler, for so long I wondered if I would ever find my prince, my soulmate.
Then, 3 years ago, at another wedding, I turned to a friend for comfort and instead,
I found everything that I've been looking for my whole life.
And now, here we are, with our future before us, and I only want to spend it with you.
My prince, My soulmate, My friend."

i'm such a sucker when it comes to things like this. hopeless romantic as they say.. but never ever could find my true love.. oi, one day woman, one bloody fine day you'll find him, i tell myself that everyday (believe it or not. haha)

trust me, i wanted to write a whole load of jargon about what i've been up to these couple of weeks but my brain seems to be dysfunctioning right about now, what perfect timing right? I KNOW!

so i'm gonna play cheat on some ok? i did promise to write up about ein's 22nd but kak intan already did that for me =) hehe..

then last wednesday, i went shopping in town with auntie rahimah while my 2 godsis were too immersed at work (i feel so super loved by my surrogate mother *lol*)

spotlight hats rock my socks can?!

so yesterday.. with such imprompt, i can't believe we made the mothers watch TWILIGHT with us & they actually really enjoyed it! haha.. mummy was happily telling me & bro her favourite scenes in the car on the way back .. and can i just say this (even if i had a gabazilliooon times??)

it's a crime so unfathomable! i swear i don't mind having edward cullen kiss the arch of my neck anytime baby or watch me sleep while i drool myself for that matter *sigh*
such mindless thoughts should be shot out of my head now!! (schduuuush)

kak intan.. second round to the movies ok?! i think "SUPERMAN" will be jealous if we bring him to the cinema to watch the cullen boys strutt their stuff.. heh.

and finally today.. we headed down to Taka cause we were in need to destress & mummy decided to splurge on another LV.

i hope you loved your advance 54th birthday gift mummy.. mind you.. that cost me a BOMB!!
but like i'll always say.. i love you, always forever =)

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 12:05 am


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Friday, December 05, 2008

i've never been a person who meticulously prepares for something this early.. so i'm quite pleased at what i've achieved thusfar however i think at this point of time, i'm already considered late, no??

letter given - checked.
ticket booked - checked.
medical examination - checked.
necessities - waiting for EYS plus bloody BONUS! (haha)
contingency plan - checked
support from loved ones -CHECKED!!!

i suppose, in a little less than 70 days or so, i've prepared my goodbyes & go. i still wished things could have turned out differently at work but i can't help what's been done. well, maybe i can but i'm just too bloody stubborn to listen i guess.. not that THAT's helping, but nonetheless, im glad they gave me a chance, for now. i still have no idea what's in stall for me for the next 60 odd days or so. i shall be optimistic & be happy. yes i will!

on random points:

kak intan almost made me pee in the bus with excitement.. haha..
i finally got 15 minutes of talktime with my other godsister, seri radhiah.. (yes, she's been missing for awhile in my world eh..) i miss her.. like alot!
i still dont have the energy or time to blog about ein's 22nd surprise. HAHA.. (maybe tmr =D)
i'm trying to spend every waking hour with mummy.. somehow, its getting very very difficult to part with her, and leave her alone in the ever "trusting" hands of my brother. seriously -_-.

can u already FEEL my excitement?????!!!! dammit!

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 9:55 pm


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Monday, December 01, 2008

Hello December =))

it's just nice to know that she listens when i speak. that in itself says alot and i can't thank them enough for making me feel like i'm seriously appreciated for sharing the thing i love to do..

of promises and such.. i'll make them proud long time man.

p.s: there's a surprise tonight and SHE doesn't even know it! i'm uber excited i can pee my pants!! ok, off to feed nyai now.. (while kak intan SNORES like she hasnt slept in years.) hehe...

posted by: [nurul]haya @ 1:42 pm


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