the boss called me in before i went on my leave. "Interim Report" she said. well, nothing surprises me anymore. it's as if her words has numbed me all over. is my heart not in it anymore? i don't think so, not yet.
i asked her for a chance, she said no. i asked her why, she told me to think why it is so.
geez.. this is getting a tad too tiring. i think i'd make better sense to a begger on the streets. i'm pulling out the stops if this gets to far. and luckily for contingency plans.. i'm glad i'm still on track.
and with this, i shall stop thinking about it anymore and as the cliche'd goes.. Life Goes On.. it's a major bitch, but it still moves on.
so the day after the madraya-hooha, i took an AL to head back to Batu Pahat for our annual Badron family gathering. it was definitely not the same as last year's probably due to half of the singaporean contingent not being able to attend (yes kak intan & ein, i can't believe you were not there but grandma's more important ok =D) but nonetheless, my uncles from Malaysia sure do know how to have a good time getting everyone involved.
have i ever mentioned my family's THIS big??
highlight of that day: seeing the >50 years old ladies blowing up balloons like their lives depended on it.
p.s: the best moments of life actually happened.. there, in that kampong house right there..
it all started with my dad pissing me off at 11am. he knew that i was going to use the car at 11am but nooooo.. he took his own sweet time at NIE putting all his barang2.. now what excuse did i have left for my dear madgirls?? as usual, i forever "janji melayu".. but ini sudah MELAMPAU! even i know not to be late for nearly 2 hours ok! freaking kambz betol. botak, gf & abg taufiq happily waited with me at my void deck waiting for YANG DIPERTUAN AGUNG to come home.
ok, car arrival at 12.15 check. then botak & I HAD to get lost in woodlands. basket! how far is street 83 & street 81????? noooo... i didn't even know how we terpusing punyer pusing. i was starting to get frustrated cause we passed by azi's house THREE times. aper ini?? and now i officially hate the north region. or rather, i suck in woodlands. haha.. we could have reached fidi's crib at 12.40 but ended up there at 1.20pm. end.of.story. (don't even ask me where my street directory went. probably eaten up by the ghost residing in my house -_-)
oh that's not all.. last glitch.. we reached fana's place first before the mangz herself! hahaha.. communication breakdown or whaaaat????
after all that kekecohan, we all pon dah bermaaf-maafan and it was back to the usual senda-sendi, gurau-gurauan, laughters & jokes that kept the spirit alive.
p.s: i think fana really wanted to kick my ass that day. haha.. sorry lah kambz. tak sengaja!
we were just missing NISAMcBalls, mimi & shah.. the rest of the pictures will be up soon!! fret not people!
oi! this suddenly crossed my mind. the phrases that i missed hearing back when we were in mad class:
shah: "ni dah kenapppeeeerrr???" fidi: "kongajar kakak eh... " fidi: coversations in fake british or french accents mamat: "ARGH, ERGH.. AHHHAAAAAAAHH!!!" funny screams mamat: "eh gigi! HAHAHAH!!" mamat: "aku macam nak minum beer. *gets down on both knees & pray* i pray to the lord ___"
i will laugh till my gut hurts remembering all the crap we did in mad.. kesian tapa. i heard he even retired himself from mad, must have been us =))
it's been quite a while since syahir & I hung out (him due to busy NS schedule & me, alright you know the story) so we decided to meet up with our young uncle for dinner & a movie (fyi, Eagle Eye was fan-freaking-tastic lah can.. like really!) and boy was I surrounded with uber male lameness & sex-induced topics but what was I expecting right? boys WILL BE boys, chet!
haha.. anihoos, the pictures are just for memories' sake & he's probably the one & only person i'll ever trust in my life to pillion a bike ride with. and seriously, kalau mak/bapak aku tau about my transportation mode today.. haha.. selamat lah eh..
I love Sundays.. don't you?? to me, Sundays are times that should be well spent with families, get-togethers & whatnots. (especially, if you're given a well-deserved Sunday off, like ME! haha)
as usual, raya is never over till we say it's over.. even after the 30th of this month, i think people will still jalan raya, agree?? it obviously doesn't help if your family is as big as mine.. (you know, my maternal grandma married her 1st husband, had "x" children. grandpa married his 1st wife, had "x" children. and these children have their own children. and grandma also had adopted siblings who in turn are very close to the family. i havent even begun to "family-tree" daddy's side. ok, you get the picture, like HELLO! my family besar or whaaaat??)
so biler mau game beb????
like i said, it'll never end. i always have this phobia of.. "what if one day, i fall in love with a guy & he happens to be the cousin i never knew existed?!" haha.. but fat chance of it ever happening lah eh. considering how my parents made it a point to make their children know ALL existing (dead or alive) relatives. seriously.
anihooos, back to good ol' laid back sundays.. waking up late, breakfast already on the table, not having a care in the world about that damn alarm clock, catching up with lost reading. i love it!
alright, since we're still in the festive mood...
last sunday's open house at my place..
and this was just now with both of my crazy beautiful cousins (dua pupu angkat?? aiyah.. our family ties are abit complicated but so long we're happy, i don't really care. haha) and the last time we met was our fish & co dinner together which was like eons ago! so aper lagi.. when the vain meets the vainer...
konon-konon gambar bernostalgia lah gitu.. so mcm nyonya2 zaman 30-an what with their kebaya and all (i ddnt know org zaman tu can wear tudung in such a fashionable way. haha. so upmarket kaaaannn???)
and that's not all...
HAHAHAHA!! i can SO imagine the ruckus/havoc/chaos we're gonna cause this friday when we meet for karaoke cum dinner. omg! im so sexcited = D
chocolates. smiles. romantic comedies. good reads. music. travels. family gatherings.
sadly, i've been plunging into the realms of depression & loneliness.. hey, i've heard of the phrase "a person is only lonely if she makes herself be". god knows where i heard it from, but that's not really important, no? i have the bestest friends in the world right now but there's just that tiny part of me that's screaming out "I AM SO ALONE".
a relative who i havent seen in ages asked me through msn not too long ago.. "how do you deal? i mean with all the shit you're going through?"
my answer?? "i just deal. i don't know how but i just tell myself.. today's a sucky day.. tomorrow will be better.. so look alive!"
the thought processes that's churning through my brains now is enough to make me explode or worst case scenario, make me burst into tears, again. my comfort zone is wearing off.. where is that self-confident, hilarious, i-don't-give-a-shit, let's break the rules person? right now, i don't quite really know..
i'm leading 2 personas. swinging in a pendulum between happiness & hypocrisy. i keep myself upbeat by continuing to enjoy the things & people i love but the hypocrisy part will loom it's dark aura around me time & again.
nevermind the money i get, i actually really enjoy what i do & it's what i know i do best. i can keep asking myself questions but when will be the time i can say "enough is enough"??
im betting, that you are as clueless as I am to the jargon i spilled above. i'll be running.. running far far & away...
p.s: this is going to be so unrelevant to the point i've just stated above but i can't stay unhappy for far too long. makes me lose my "chi" & it's really no good for my MOJO, yes?
this song has that calming effect i really much enjoy. not so much the movie (eventhough i personally LOVED it on a whole different level).. i'm pondering the lyrics.. so take a listen =)
i'm all about the food (carbo-loading is more like it), overloading with F&N, little cousins running around trying to irritate me and having them smile at my worldly plans =D
seriously, i have TONNES of things to do (i.e, like finish my current korean series.. eh damn important lah this one!) but! i shall entertain my dear tempeh bud & do this tag.. gosh it's been a looong time since i did one..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago: - studying in Pei Tong Pri. - stealing library books (haha! those were the days man!) - hating my brother for always looking me up in class (for all kinds of nonsense u do NOT want to know) - enjoying the family trip to brisbane (it was ALL free then. basket) - doing the BIG move to toh guan
5 things on my to-do list today: - complete that on-line passport renewal thingy - thinking of ways to bribe the DON to increase my sucky pay - catch up with my old batch of HOs & company - go on a date, even if it's just ONE (i swear it's been donkey years since i went all girly & .. you get the picture lah) - plan my next getaway with the gfs (im going on leave very soon y'all.. WOOHOO!)
5 snacks I enjoy: - hershey's chocolate & cookies bar - BIKA chicken crackers - krepek ubi sambal - fruit tarts - bubble tea!
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: - pay up the rest of my bond & bring the family to aussie-land to stay - travel, travel baby.. before settling down's fantastic! - buy the coolest cars in the world just for the sake of showing off - get myself a damn mansion in 6th ave. - invest my moolahs too man..
5 of my bad habits: - cooping myself up in the room watching sappy romantic comedy reruns & stuff myself with junk food. oh love. - i wont come out of a cd/dvd shop empty-handed - i'm FOREVER late for appointments, even if i go out early, i'll still be late, go figure! - lusting over all the wrong men. madness! - i can argue till the cows go home & still end up on the losing side -_-
5 places I have lived in: - kampong Tempeh rules sak fana! - clementi ave 2 - gotta love Toh Guan Rd baby =) - ? - ?
5 jobs I’ve had: (more like 3!) - helping my mum out at her stalls, then & now - giving tuition - staff nurse @ SGH - ? - ?
ok kambz.. i'm too lazy to tag others lah. most probably they're as busy as bumblebees so dont freaking bother! haha..
HELLO! look at the date! it's already 1st October.. so i shall just get straight to the point..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin kepada kawan-kawanku dan seluruh umat Islam di serata dunia.. Nurul mohon ampun atas segala dosa-dosa, jika telah terkasar bahasa, ter-OVER di merata-rata tempat dan tersinggung perasaan (i think this will be an ongoing process but what the heck lah kan) .. hey! but i'm only human per.. haha..
to tell you the truth, i'm feeling slightly more sentimental this year.. bro & I were driving to IMM for some last minute light-bulb errands & takbir raya was on radio when i asked him..
me: dik, this year kakak mcm extra sedih gitu.. hearing the takbir on radio like this is making me cry.. and i won't get to celebrate raya like this next year..
bro: alah.. it's ok.. got web cam whaaat.. & it's just ONE year kak..
gawd! i'm sucha crybaby lah!
anyways, i told myself that i'm gonna enjoy raya more this year just because.. it's always the time of the year for us to show off new baju kurungs, mingle around with old & newfound relatives, photo-whoring, getting fresh updates of the people we love & havent met in the longest time.. & i swear i'm not gonna get sentimental or start crying shitless in front of my parents tmr when we have to salam-salam in the morning for forgiveness.. hancur make-up gua beb!!
so i dont think i'm gonna sleep just yet.. (probably because i woke up at 1pm this afternoon, HAHA) let me attack my hershey's bar and enjoy my favourite raya song of all times, Sepasang Kurung Biru.. ini classic beb =))